Technology at IICS

At IICS technology is integrated at every grade and phase of learning, but we use technology as a tool to achieve our mission rather than an end in itself. We believe that technology, when used appropriately, provides opportunities to support, engage, enhance and transform student learning. Our aim is to develop responsible global citizens equipped with the critical thinking skills and technological literacy necessary to participate in the worldwide community of learners.

The following guiding principles are intended to help us realize our vision:

– The integration of technology into our daily practices enhances teaching and learning.

– Our use of technology provides safe and engaging opportunities for students to communicate with the worldwide community of learners.

– Ubiquitous access to technology is essential to effective 21st-century learning.

– Thorough research, related to future trends and best practices, guides the acquisition, use, and development of technology resources.

– We value diversity and choice. We apply differentiation in the use of technology.

– Technology expectations for students and staff are supported by curricula and ongoing staff development.

Technology in the Classroom

In the Early Years to Grade 4, iPads are provided for student use under the guidance of teachers, building a foundation in collaboration and sharing.

Students in  Grade 5 use MacBooks provided by IICS. This extends into a 1-to-1 MacBook Program in Grades 6-12, and students use these devices throughout the day to complement teacher instruction.

In addition, in order to support our inquiry and research programs, teachers and students have access to class sets of still and video cameras, plus equipment.

The Makerspace at Primary (Hisar and Marmara Campus)

The IICS Primary Makerspace fuels innovation and personalized learning through hands-on, creative ways for students to design, experiment, and build. The Makerspace was designed to spark a mind of inquiry and problem-solving. When students embrace a maker mindset, they learn to think divergently and solve problems. They learn to take creative risks and try new things.

This learning happens through design thinking as they move through the creative process. Makerspace learning empowers students, helping them to shift from being passive consumers of information and products to active creators and innovators. In the Makerspace all young learners can experiment with:

– Makey Makey

– Sewing

– 3D Modelling

– Robotics

– Circuitry

– Paper Circuits

– Stop Motion

– Construction

– Deconstruction

Secondary School Student Technology Agreement

The BYOD program for Secondary School students supports the IICS vision to be an exceptional, forward-thinking international school in every respect. Our students are inquisitive, caring, internationally minded and act with integrity. Students in grades 6 – 12 are required to bring a MacBook laptop that meets the minimum specifications. Choosing a single Apple ecosystem provides a consistent and user-friendly platform for teachers, allowing them to focus on teaching. It supports various learning and teaching methods thanks to a common technical language and ensures smooth communication between all users. Efficient and effective support is also available from our IT office. Explore more