Join IICS Alumni Network

Being one of the oldest international schools in the world, IICS has been around for more than 100 years. Members of our community – our alumni, former students and former staff are all over the world and we miss you!

 In 2019, we established the Alumni Office to keep in touch with former members of our community and we created the IICS Alumni Network. Through our new online portal, we want to reach out, reconnect and stay in contact with all members of our community.

 The new IICS Alumni Network will allow our alumni and former students to connect with our school as well as reconnecting with their friends and former staff from their time back at the IICS.

 It may have been years of just months from the time you said goodbye to IICS, we still want to keep in touch and collaborate with you. Let’s come together and reminisce about the good old days, share the developments in our lives and organize events to get together all around the world. Remember that you will always be a part of the IICS Community and we are here for you!