Transitioning to IICS
Due to the highly mobile nature of our expat community, families join us throughout the academic year. To assist new families with their transition, a strong support network is in place to help both students and parents ease the challenges of relocation. This expert network includes school counselors, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the Community Relations Department, teachers, and the students themselves.
Our counselors help new families adjust to their new school environment. We offer workshops on transitions, and one-on-one counseling is available to assist both students and parents with the transition process. The counselors also check in with the new students at each grade level to see how they are settling in and to give them an opportunity to talk about their experiences in a group setting with others who are also new to the school.
The IICS Parent Teacher Association (PTA), which includes the Booster Club, is a very active organization in our school community. The PTA coordinates terrific events throughout the year, fosters school-family interaction, and brings the community closer. To welcome new families, the PTA hosts newcomer coffee mornings, and its Welcome Committee reaches out to incoming families who arrive during the year.
Even prior to arrival in Istanbul, new IICS parents are put in touch with families from their own nationality and native language. They are also introduced to other parents from their child’s class. All parents are also provided with a contact list of students on their child’s bus. This helps them learn who else lives in their neighborhood.
“I felt really supported when I came to IICS. This was my first move, so that was important for me. Everyone reached out to me and they all make sure that you are okay.”
“For me, this was a big transition because I had been in my previous city for 15 years and I was at a huge school with more than 4,000 students, but the students here adopted me immediately and I felt very welcomed from the first day. It’s very family-like. And I like how many options there are for co-curricular activities.”