IICS is pleased to provide school transportation services through Gürsel, a locally owned company that has been operational since 1993. Students come to school either by school bus or by car (parent or driver). In recent years, over 80% of our students have used the bus services. School buses serve many parts of Istanbul.
All buses have seat belts, wi-fi, cameras (offline), GPS system, and supervisors. The school buses (and their drivers) are privately contracted by parents. IICS coordinates and supervises the buses for the convenience of our families, and IICS bears no liability. Upon admission or re-enrollment, parents may sign up for bus services through the transportation coordinator in the school office. Parents are billed by the bus company (in TL) for this service.
If you have questions about student bus services, please reach out to Alparslan Bahadir or Bedirhan Dere.